Our property management group is Common Interest Management Services (CIMS). Please see the welcome letter from them posted on our documents page. You can set up and log into your portal account here.
Common Interest Management Services, Inc. (CIMS) provides management and financial accounting services for UT.
Common Interest Management Services, Inc (CIMS)
315 Diablo Road, #221
Danville, CA 94526-3409
(925) 743-3080 (main office during business hours M-F 830a to 430p or instructions on how to reach emergency answering service, available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Tom Lewis is the Community Association Manager. He handles the Board Packets, large community projects, Board meetings, and day-to-day operations for the community. 925.743.3080, ext 107, email: tlewis@commoninterest.com.
Belle Bregonia — Customer Service Representative– Belle is the assistant to Lisa. She completes Service Requests, takes action on emergencies, handles questions regarding the things like gate remotes/ keys/ parking/ amenities in the community. Most importantly, she fields the questions that come through on the portal. She also assists with day-to-day questions regarding the account balances related to account histories. 925.743.3080 Ext. 181, email mbregonia@commoninterest.com.
Ruchika Diddee – Accountant for the community– Dave and Zoe will work with Ruchika directly when questions arise regarding the account history, late fees, etc. 925.743.3080 Ext 286 email: rdiddee@commoninterest.com.
Please report the following types of problems to the management company. Do not assume someone else will do/has done it. If you see a problem report it. You can follow up with an email to the UT listserv indicating that you have reported it/submitted a ticket to prevent duplication.
- Grounds (trimming, irrigation, broken tree limbs, cleaning)
- Lights (interior or exterior) in public areas
- Water leakage in public areas (grounds or in the Commons Room)
- Sprinkler heads going off in your unit or a common area
- Smell of gas at meters or in a common area
- Backed up sewer (not in your unit–that’s your responsibility)
- Problems with gutters or down spouts
- Broken fences or gates (not your unit’s–that’s your responsibility)
- Any problem with the exterior of a building or exterior stairs or decks
- Accidents anywhere outside
- Graffiti
- Malfunctioning doors in common areas
- Problems with mailboxes
- Elevator problems
Common Interest Management Services’ Accounting Department handles all of the HOA’s accounting needs, including monthly homeowner association assessments, Questions about your assessment can be directed to CIMS by logging into the Homeowner Portal.